Monday, September 30, 2019

Contribution of Clausewitz to the Development of Military Strategy Essay

Carl von Clausewitz or known as General Carl Phillip Gottfried von Clausewitz was born in Magdenburg in July 1, 1780 and died of cholera at the age of 51 in Breslau, Germany in November 16, 1831. He left a legacy that until this day his writings are still compulsory for reading in military academies both in the US and Europe. He famous book â€Å"Von Kriege† or translated in English as â€Å"On War† discusses many of his optimisms in considering war as an extension of political thoughts rather than pure readings for military strategies. Analysts say Clausewitz’s theories of war were considerations during war and not provocations on how to stage war against the enemies. In fact, he is not the total war strategist of the â€Å"absolute war† as other people branded him but even though his thoughts does not provoke the art of making war our armed forces until today consider them as great contributions to the development of military strategies because of his concepts in advising technical discussion in the event of war. Although Clausewitz wrote about different battle conditions, he goes further in relating battles to psychological and political considerations. He became popular in connecting his principles of war to be regarded as motivation for military strategies because his theories inspire military leaders to act on certain situations according to the demand of the situation. Therefore his theories must never be applied as models of committing war but to serve as aids to judgment during wars. However, through the passing of time most of his tactical views were altered or replaced by other political and strategic thoughts but what he left about military systems and political strategies are regarded as pure standard for military strategic commitments (Teijebakker, 2008). Clausewitz served as a Prussian soldier, military historian and military theorist whose influence was most famous for military treatise. Although participated in military campaigns, his sole purpose was to be a military theorist and do examinations of war.   During his time, other soldiers also examined the war during the Napoleonic era but not any of them has undertook the greatest philosophical examination of war other than Clausewitz and Tolstoy did. Another great writer, Jomini also took the same observation as Clausewitz but while Jomini based his theories on the system of war, Clausewitz writes on the philosophical view of it. If we are going to asses Clausewitz’s philosophical view that militaries based the development of their strategies, we can see that Clausewitz has been able to introduced systematic philosophical inspection into Western and European military thinking. His strategic principles have powerful implications that are used for historical and analytical writing but also for logical policy, military education and planning on operations. Clausewitz believes that war is just a natural event that is part of social organisms such as man and always part of practical experience. He underlined that warfare is just as changeable as our societies that is why there is the need for the distinction in manipulating strategies and tactics. He also asserted that there are no fixed principles that are adapted for tactical calculations and no laws for strategies either because wars are not all the same. This kind of philosophy motivates military leaders to assume that because of the changeable attitude and conditions of war, Clausewitz provokes on the idea that defense is a stronger form of strategic principle than offense. This is because as Clausewitz warned, once offensive advantage has an imbalance of momentum such as a weakened or divided forces, the offensive stance can transform into a defensive orientation. So the general principle, as he stresses, is that defense is a prerequisite for good offense (Abegglen, 2003). Moreover, Clausewitz great emphasis on military strategies is that he wants to emphasize that wars are the continuation of government policies or in other words an extension of politics. There is warfare because war is motivated by political objectives and the only means to achieve these political objectives is the commitment of war. Therefore he argues that what determines the character and activities of military operations are what the military leaders do in following the authority given to them by the state driven by political aims. In this manner, since the military are under the ruling governing body of the state, the states which compose of the public sector can also exercise their authority over military activities. But what was the most important message Clausewitz wants to convey is that although war is not extraordinary, the waging of war must be dependent on the political situation of those who wages it and with their allies and enemies. The strength of the military is not an assurance for victory but a defensive war seems to be the contributory factor in achieving victory. The machines that man made for human destruction and the skill those soldiers learned were all part of human endeavor to achieve victory. But these machines are useless unless use in the battlefield and maneuvered with precise realistic approach to warfare which include the art of defense and offense and military skills (Jolley, 2003). As a Prussian staff officer with political and military responsibility and with combat experience against armies of Revolutionary France, Clausewitz is prominently a military educator. Having to rise to the rank of a Major-General at the age of 38, his book On War which was written in Germanic language became the most important work that is written that deals on the theory of warfare and strategy. The book tells of theories on the area of interest of military strategists, historians, political thinkers and political scientists. Clausewitz has met so many oppositions with his theories contain in his books but his influence is so great that even the Marxists-Leninists, the great navalists Sir Julian Stafford Corbett and the American nuclear strategists apply his principles to their own theoretical application. Although they have different culture, background and military orientation they all share the same belief that Clausewitz’s writings are of fundamental importance not because only of their content but because of the influential his great mind has perceived. The book On War itself is always very hard to read and comprehend because it was still in its unfinished state and so the subjects seem too hard to follow. So many nations and great minds have failed to master it because of its unfamiliar style. But because Clausewitz’s statements define great political thinking, precise military planning with principles of strategic calculations that are used by organizations in developing different strategies, Clausewitz’s ideas evoke superiority in leadership and management in war and of societies. His continuation of defining policy with politics by other means happens to be misunderstood because probably his perception provokes alarm and opposition. According to him he objects on the role of policy makers because these so-called policy makers always tend to create war just to achieve their goals when they cannot achieve it through peaceful means. On the other hand, experienced politicians and soldiers are against it because they know that war becomes really dangerous, chaotic and unpredictable when it is created for political goals. Another great significance of Clausewitz’s theory to the advantage on the development of military strategy is that his ideas integrates a vast range of military concerns which include political, strategic, operational, analytical, tactical, pedagogical and historical concern that are in relation with the fundamental socio-political framework of the military. The good things about his theories is that they also successfully interrelates to a wide range of consideration and can adapt to any political and historical changes that is why until today, Clausewitz’s concept of strategies on war and politics are still being utilized as fundamental in military statesmanship (Bassford, 1996). But what are the main teachings of Clausewitz that they are still utilized in the management of military strategies today?   In teaching Clausewitz’s concept of strategies, military officials try to imbue to their soldiers how to analyze Clausewitz’s theory of war so that they can check on its applicability on the military power on any given time. The soldiers must be able to assess the learning concepts with thorough examination such as learning the nature of warfare as compared during the French revolution against today’s practical application of military concept. As Clausewitz advised, mission analysis is essential to provide the learners or soldiers the sophisticated understanding of war, the nature of war, the purpose of war and the conduct of war. Assessing these activities help the soldiers develop in internalizing their way of thinking so that they may be critical in all areas of war and discover the characteristic of the opponent. Understanding the adversary makes the soldiers be critical on what analytical approach they can do to gain advantage during war. Then the essential points of engagement and following policies must be conveyed to the soldiers. These essential points include how to interact with war and its policy, understanding absolute war vs. the real war, perception on the moral and physical dimensions of war, strategic effects for the future leaders of war, understanding the sources of power and the dialectics of offense and defense. By assessing the principles of Clausewitz, we can now measure success according to the management of war (Bassford, 1985). As a conclusion, as Clausewitz always say that as wars are conceived, the generals of war must have clear idea on what are the goal of this wars. The militaries are learning from Clausewitz’s admonition that no one starts a war or rather nobody in his right mind ought to start a war without prioritizing what the objectives are. The objectives of war can be of political purpose which the military must be aware while the conduct of war is the operational part wherein the military must operate accordingly. This governing principle of Clausewitz will set every war on its course and thus contributory to the development of military strategy. References: ABEGGLEN, C. M. V. (2003) The Influence of Clausewitz on Jomini’s Prà ©cis de l’Art de la Guerre Erlenstrasse 3   4414 Fà ¼llinsdorf, King’s College London. Available from URL: BASSFORD, C. (1985) An Instructor’s Guide To Teaching Clausewitz. Available from URL: BASSFORD, C. (1996) Review Essay: Carl von Clausewitz, On War (Berlin, 1832). Available from URL:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Marginal cost Essay

1 Monopoly Why Monopolies Arise? Monopoly is a rm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes. The fundamental cause of monopoly is barriers to entry: A monopoly remains the only seller in its market because other rms cannot enter the market and compete with it. Barriers to entry have three main sources: 1. Monopoly Resources. A key resource is owned by a single rm. Example: The DeBeers Diamond Monopoly|this rm controls about 80 percent of the diamonds in the world. 2. Government-Created Monopolies. Monopolies can arise because the government grants one person or one rm the exclusive right to sell some good or service. Patents are issued by the government to give rms the exclusive right to produce a product for 20 years. 3. Natural Monopoly: a monopoly that arises because a single rm can supply a good or service to an entire market at a smaller cost than could two or more rms. A natural monopoly occurs when there are economies of scale, implying that average total cost falls as the rm’s scale becomes larger. Monopoly versus Competition The key di erence between a competitive rm and a monopoly is the monopoly’s ability to control price. The demand curves that each of these types of rms faces is di erent as well. 1. A competitive rm faces a perfectly elastic demand at the market price. The rm can sell all that it wants to at this price. 2. A monopoly faces the market demand curve because it is the only seller in the market. If a monopoly wants to sell more output, it must lower the price of its product. A monopoly’s marginal revenue will always be less than the price of the good (other than at the rst unit sold). 1. If the monopolist sells one more unit, his total revenue (P Q) will rise because Q is getting larger. This is called the output e ect. 2. If the monopolist sells one more unit, he must lower price. This means that his total revenue (P Q) will fall because P is getting smaller. This is called the price e ect. Remember that demand tends to be elastic along the upper lefthand portion of the demand curve. Thus, a decrease in price causes total revenue to increase. Further down the demand curve, the demand is inelastic. In this region, a decrease in price results in a drop in total revenue (implying that marginal revenue is now less than zero). Pro t Maximization The monopolist’s pro t-maximizing quantity of output occurs where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. 1. If the rm’s marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost, pro t can be increased by raising the level of output. 2. If the rm’s marginal revenue is less than marginal cost, pro t can be increased by lowering the level of output. Even though MR = MC is the pro t-maximizing rule for both competitive rms and monopolies, there is one important di erence. 1. In competitive rms, P = MR at the pro t-maximizing level of output, P = MC . 2. In a monopoly, P > MR at the pro t maximizing level of output, P > MC . The monopolist’s price is determined by the demand curve (which shows us the willingness to pay of consumers). Question: Why a Monopoly Does Not Have a Supply Curve? 1. A supply curve tells us the quantity that a rm chooses to supply at any given price. 2. But a monopoly rm is a price maker the rm sets the price at the same time it chooses the quantity to supply. 3. The market demand curve tells us how much the monopolist will supply. A Monopoly’s Pro t Pro t = TR ; TC : Also, TR TC Pro t = ; Q Q or Pro t = (P ; ATC ) Q Q: The Welfare Cost of Monopoly The socially e cient quantity of output is found where the demand curve and the marginal cost curve intersect. This is where total surplus is maximized. Because the monopolist sets marginal revenue equal to marginal cost to determine its output level, it will produce less than the socially e cient quantity of output. Public Policies Toward Monopolies 1. Increasing Competition with Antitrust Laws. Antitrust laws are a collection of statutes that give the government the authority to control markets and promote competition. Antitrust laws allow the government to prevent mergers and break up large, dominating companies. (a) The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890 to lower the market power of the large and powerful rusts† that were viewed as dominating the economy at that time. (b) The Clayton Act was passed in 1914 it strengthened the government’s ability to curb monopoly power and authorized private lawsuits. 2. Regulation. Regulation is often used when the government is dealing with a natural monopoly. Most often, regulation involves government limits on the price of the product. While we might believe that the government can eliminate the deadweight loss from monopoly by setting the monopolist’s price equal to its marginal cost, this is often di cult to do. (a) If the rm is a natural monopoly, its average total cost curve will be declining because of its economies of scale. (b) When average total cost is falling, marginal cost must be lower than average total cost. (c) Therefore, if the government sets price equal to marginal cost, the price will be below average total cost and the rm will earn a loss, causing the rm to eventually leave the market. (d) Therefore, governments may choose to set the price of the monopolist’s product equal to its average total cost. This gives the monopoly zero pro t, but assures that it will remain in the market. Note that there is still a deadweight loss in this situation because the level of output will be lower than the socially e cient level of output. 3. Public Ownership. Rather than regulating a monopoly run by a private rm, the government can run the monopoly itself. However, economists generally prefer private ownership of natural monopolies than public ownership. 4. Do Nothing. Sometimes the costs of government regulation outweigh the bene ts. Therefore, some economists believe that it is best for the government to leave monopolies alone. Question: Should the government break up Microsoft? Price Discrimination Price discrimination is the business practice of selling the same good at di erent prices to di erent customers. Perfect price discrimination describes a situation where a monopolist knows exactly the willingness to pay of each customer and can charge each customer a di erent price. Without price discrimination, a rm produces an output level that is lower than the socially e cient level. If a rm perfectly price discriminates, each customer who values the good at more than its marginal cost will purchase the good and be charged his or her willingness to pay. 1. There is no deadweight loss in this situation. 2. Because consumers pay a price exactly equal to their willingness to pay, all surplus in this market will be producer surplus. Examples of Price Discrimination: 1. Movie Tickets 2. Airline Prices 3. Discount Coupons 4. Financial Aid 5. Quantity Discounts.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

H R Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

H R - Essay Example Therefore, Job analyst, specification and selection of people become an important part in the hiring cycle. Furthermore, these are now turn into a vital stage of company development and improvement. Over an over, hiring become a strategic analysis in which the overall strategy (growth, consolidation, diversification, etc), key human resources needed to achieve strategy & workforce characteristics and behaviors required of key human resources are planed & discussed ahead of time. In this report, we will discuss the different stages of hiring a new staff on board and how to make the right choice of getting the right person on-board. We will also look at how strategic human resource manager could provide useful to the board of management as to maximize company efficiency and profitability. From a manager stand point, hiring is not just about finding a candidate to ill in the job vacancies, but also about how to help company to find the best person to join. As a result, this is a process to increase team efficiency & hence become more productive and leads higher profitability. In fact, it is very costly to have the wrong person in the job and to have to replace them. The critical factor in assuring manager makes the right employee selection for hiring or promotion or lateral move is the ability to accurately predict the cultural & soft skill fit of the candidates with the job and at the same time, it is the line manager role to think of the hard skills needed on the job, that is job analyst and its another strategic plan for companies to attract potential talent person to join the team (Youndt, 1996). The line manager must clearly identify the kind of job responsibility he needs for the team and the types of person he wants to fit in the role. Also, the qualification of the candidates and the source of the applicants are also very critical decision making process for line

Friday, September 27, 2019

Influential designer of the 20th century Research Paper

Influential designer of the 20th century - Research Paper Example In addition to this, fashion especially women’s fashion during this period consisted of highly formalised wear such as chemise, drawers, corsets, flannel petticoats and the like. Coco Chanel sough to change all of this by introducing her style in fashion that concentrated on simplistic wear that emphasized the female figure above anything else. Moreover the fashion produced by Chanel relied more on automated production as well as simplicity that helped to drive down the costs of fashion wear. In this manner ordinary people were able to afford fashion wear as regular clothing. Coco’s fashion is also an extension of provocation right down from her apparel that represents the ordinary to her jewellery lineage that combined real and imitation jewels to spark awe at little cost. Historically the post World War One period saw a rise of feminism that had not been witnessed before. The vacuum left behind by men leaving for the front meant that women had to occupy all kinds of positions in society that provided impetus for their equality in society. The demands of practical work meant that women’s attire had to evolve to reflect daily considerations in work such as welders, fitters, police women etc. Women were finally in a position to dress up to reflect gender liberation. Coco Chanel was at the fore front of this very move in the fashion world. Among Chanel’s major contributions to design is her ethnic influence in clothing that reflected the clothing of Slavic peasants. Ethnic references to haute couture existed as far back as 1900 but Chanel amplified this design strategy by providing it sustainability. Most of the beading and embroidery used on Chanel’s collections from the early 1920’s were derived from Russian sources. Furthermore, Chanel fused oriental stitching with stylised folk motifs which represented her signature for a long time to come (Charles-Roux, 2005). Chanel also introduced embroidered

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sampling and Continuous Improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sampling and Continuous Improvement - Essay Example United States have always been in the forefront of international trade and manufacturing and it wants to keep it that way. Since China started its mass export of goods, US had been worried that it would capture a major chunk of world's exports however US found solace in the fact that Chinese products were of lower quality. However with changing times, China has started to develop low cost and yet high quality products to challenge US in the international market. The study conducted by Industry Week magazine on the comparison of Chinese and American manufacturers have identified important developments in the inputs that largely contribute to China's inevitable success. The article "Manufacturers Like Us" by David Drickhamer gives us important insights in this subject. According to the article, Chinese manufacturers have become increasingly competitive over the past decade. Their strict management practices and performance metrics show the proof of such changes. Also US makes china's industry revolution much more prominent by referring to them as Enemy Number 1. The two basic reasons for the increasing competitive advantage of Chinese manufacturers have been described as cheap labor and much more efficient machinery. Costs of raw materials and land utilization have also been declared as important inputs to the higher quality outputs that are now being produced. To fully analyze the factors of high quality production by Chinese manufacturers, let's analyze each input factor in detail. 1) Raw Materials Raw Materials are the building blocks of the manufacturing process. These unprocessed materials are bought from the market and transformed into outputs by applying different processes. Since it is expected that the prices of the raw materials will rise in the future, some manufacturers start hoarding these raw materials. This storage is referred to as the inventory and it is kept to meet unexpected shortages in the future. The Chinese manufacturers store large amounts of inventory hence their inventory turnover rates are lower for all types of products. As most managers said that they had four or fewer total inventory turns in a year, there costs are lower since ordering and purchasing costs are not encountered regularly. Rise is raw material costs have not been met by half of the manufactures in China. And those who reported increases, 20% did not charge the customers for the increase. Because of lower raises in cost of raw material, Chinese products are of lower prices and they can maintain the quality of the products without increasing the prices. 2) Labor China has been able to maintain its low cost products primarily because of very low labor rates. According to the article, the Chinese manufacturers pay average wages of $1,450 per year, which is less than three weeks' pay in the U.S. This is how China is able to compete with any country on its cost difference. The quality of the products made by the Chinese seems to be increasing because of better skilled and better trained employees than were available in the past. The Chinese managers provide over 20 hours of training per employee per year while they spend 5% of their annual labor budget on training. The costs may

Economic Implications of the EU's Single Currency on German Economy - Dissertation

Economic Implications of the EU's Single Currency on German Economy - Research Plan - Dissertation Example Research Questions and Rationale for the Chosen Research Questions 1. What are the negative effects being created through the introduction of a single currency Euro on the German economy? 2. Does the benefit outweigh the disadvantages of using fixed exchange rate policy? 3. What are the economic consequences of using fixed exchange rate based on the economic experiences of Germany? Several authors suggest that it is wrong to believe that the use of a single currency could solve economic problems related to high unemployment rate, high inflation rate, low exportation volume, and economic stagnation (Carbaugh, 2009, p. 282; Frankel & Rose, 2002). For this reason, the first research question in this dissertation plan aims to identify and determine the negative effects associated with the introduction or use of a single currency on the economic situation in Germany. The EU’s single currency was implemented for the purpose of enhancing the inter-regional and inter-state trading amo ng the members of the European Union easier (European Commission. The EU Single Market, 2011). On top of the significant reduction in the cost of inter-regional and inter-state trading, the use of EU’s single currency could increase the market opportunities and promote price stability for the EU members (Canuse & Driga, 2010; Goodhart, 2007; Luker & Townroe, 1999). Considering the economic advantages associated with the use of a single currency, the second research question aims to determine whether or not the disadvantages of using a single currency under a fixed exchange rate policy outweigh its economic benefits. As a huge country, Germany was highly dependent on the exportation of agricultural, mining and industrial products since 1950s (Boyes, 2007). As part of examining the economic consequences of using a single currency, the third research question aims to explore how the use of a single currency under a fixed exchange rate policy has adversely affected Germanyâ€℠¢s ability to export agricultural, mining and industrial products today. Detailed Overall Planned Structure of Dissertation The proposed structure of the dissertation is based purely on secondary research data. In gathering related literature for this research topic, the researcher utilized the available books and other academic research materials and journals from the library of ____________(insert name of school) on top of the electronic reading materials which can be easily located using the Internet. In providing the readers with a better idea behind the need to introduce a single EU currency among the members of the European Union, the introduction part identified the 27 countries that agreed to become a part of the European Union. Aside from discussing the main purpose of conducting a literature review on this subject matter, the introduction part also provided a clear explanation behind the need to implement the Euro currency back in 1999. Since this study aims to determine t he economic implications of using EU’s single currency on German economy, the body of this research paper focused on addressing the research questions which served as a guide in conducting a literature review on this subject matter. In line with this, the body of the research paper includes determining the negative effects of introducing a single Euro currency on Germany’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Internet Searching Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Internet Searching - Assignment Example The disease and condition of choice is Cervical Cancer. This disease is an abnormality of the cervix just like how other cancerous infections arise due to the abnormality of the various affected body parts. To be specific, Cervical Cancer occurs due to the abnormal cell changes in the cervix. The cell changes are characterized by a rapid multiplication of the cells. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus which opens to the vagina. The Human papillomavirus is the primary cause of this deadly disease. A Uniform Resource Locator is a specific address for a document that is available on the internet. The most convenient way to access a Website is to enter its homepage URL that is found on its specific Web browser’s address line. An example of an URL is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). An EHR is an electronic health record system. The system is very reliable and convenient as it allows easy and safe recording, accessing and storing of health records as compared to the paper recording system that has a lot of manual procedures. The EHR system has many benefits and its application in the healthcare sector has been of great importance. It improves efficiency, quality, and safety of the health records. The system then engages the participation of patients and their families in the recording of medical information. The system also improves the general health of the public. Lastly, the system not only improves health care coordination but also ensure confidentiality in personal health information. The domain name system is a system that outlines the location of the domain names on the internet and translates them into internet protocol addresses. The domain name system distributes the lists of domain names and their respective IP addresses through a hierarchical order since the maintenance of a central list of the domain names or IP address is impractical.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Trustes Tropiques Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Trustes Tropiques - Assignment Example The writer organized a barter exchange in order to count them. The natives had neither written language nor drawing skills. The writer gave them sheets of paper and pencil which ate first they did nothing with them. They later used them to draw wavy and horizontal line trying to emulate the writer (Strauss 1279). Their chief seemed to have grasped the purpose of writing because he requested for a writing-pad and continued. Each time the writer could ask a question, the chief would draw wavy lines on paper and hand them over before giving a verbal commentary. The writer together with the chief was to exchange some goods. The chief took advantage to surprise his natives and convince them that he was an intermediary agent for the exchange of the goods and that he was in coalition with the white man and shared his secrets (Strauss 1280).Writing had been adopted in Nambikwara. It was a way of increasing authority and prestige rather than acquiring knowledge as it a social symbol and not f or intellectual purpose (Strauss 1281). Chief used it acquire prestige at the expense of his natives.In conclusion, writing is a strange invention because its emergence brought about positive effects to human existence. Writing brings forth ability to conserve knowledge, organize the present and predict the future. Writing has led to the expansion in the field of science. Although writing is beneficial to mankind, it is said that, during Neolithic age, man made a great move without the aid of writing.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 52

Reflection - Essay Example In this regard, the vocabulary learning process becomes easy for scholars. Memorizing vocabulary words is another way of ensuring students learns the English language with ease. According to Echevarria and   Graves (2003), the strategy utilizes memory power in intellectual development. Additionally, the strategy enables students utilize their short-term and long-term memory and attain higher mental power. Mnemonic methods are appropriate in case some students fail to memorize vocabulary words and their meanings. Sheltered instruction concept helps English language learners to practice English skills. The practice of the skills acquired in English lessons makes the students relate the English language with other disciplines of study. In this regard, the students appreciate the English language and the vocabulary used. The teachers are able to accommodate the English language learners through introduction of new concepts into their learning lives. According to Echevarria and   Graves (2003), sheltered instruction creates diversity in the learning process. As a result, students develop their knowledge and skills on a wide array of subjects. The sheltered instruction strategy incorporates all skills of learning, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Grammar and vocabulary are also involved in the sheltered instruction learning. Video use is also indispensable in the learning process. It promotes recall of ideas and concepts, and betters students’ inception through teamwo rk and teacher

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Caffeine Community Essay Example for Free

Caffeine Community Essay As we go about our busy lives, going here, there and everywhere like a colony of ants building up supplies for the winter, we never truly take a moment to look at the world around us, stop to smell the roses, to coin a popular phrase. We never seem to take in the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that we often disconnect ourselves from in our obsession to make the world a perfect place. There is hardly a moment that we stop to notice the other people around us that even though we do not know them from Adam, they could enrich our lives without us even knowing it, if we just took the time for a smile and polite hello. These people can remind us that there is a diverse world of goals and aspirations. It is quite amazing where such an event can happen. Going for a daily coffee at a favorite cafe can bring about this epiphany. As one sits in this modern coffee shop that caters to the needs of young and old alike, one can look around and simply see the decorative art work on the walls, the small scratches in the table that sits in front of you. But let’s look at little deeper and see the true character of the environment around us. What brought about the scratch in the table. Is it just normal every day wear and tear caused by the many people coming and going to take in their hurried morning coffee or could it, perhaps, be caused by say a bored teenager waiting for the long walk to school, using their pen to make back and forth marks in the table. As one sits and contemplates this, they can take a look around and recognize the other sights, sounds and smells of the little cafe. As one looks two tables away, an elderly man helps his wife to the seat at their table with a gentle hand and beaming smile. They look into each other’s eyes lovingly as a couple would do in an old time movie. He tells her,† have a seat dear and I’ll get our coffees. I still love you very much. The distinct voice patterns give away the fact that they are from New York, but they are very much home in their little coffee community. As the manager of the store brings over their order, they engage him in conversation about how he likes working at this particular place. In the meantime, a young man with the burly looks of a high school football player sits at the table next to the older couple and the gentleman begins a lively chat about the sport of football. A sudden, intoxicating smell of fresh brewed coffee and warm toasted bagels brings you out of your daydreams of a long and loving life with the man that you love, caused by the very happy couple. You look around to see a small table at the center of the busy room. There sit a mother and young daughter. The mother seated at the edge of her seat at the table, sipping on her steamy latte, and desperately trying to relate to her young teenage daughter in an attempt to keep the close relationship with her that she shared when the girl was little and thought that her mother was the only person in the world. The young daughter, dressed in what appears to be a dingy soccer uniform, absently sips on her orange juice with a distant look in her eyes thinking that she would much rather anywhere else but here with her boring mother. Thinking perhaps of that grassy field where she could be playing soccer with her friends, or maybe she is in chemistry class, glancing out of the corner of her eye at the cute boy across the room that she has a crush on. The mother gets a mixed expression of pain and lonliness on her face as she realizes that as she tries to hold onto her daughter, that the young girl is slowly drifting away. But that is the way of life, we do all we can to keep the bonds with our children even though deep down we realize that one day soon, we will have to send them from the nest to live their own lives. As the mother and daughter leave to spend their day with separate agendas, you hear the grating of metal against stone and look around to find the cause of the noise that makes your skin crawl and teeth hurt. You look up to see that the table by the window has grown from a six seat table for a cozy conversation for a small group, to a table fit for a King’s Court. Several smaller tables have been added to the larger one, reminding you of someone trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle. The creators of this elaborate set up are the group of regular coffee drinkers that start each day enjoying each other’s company and sharing their lives with each other. They are so diverse in appearance and personality. There is Martha with her perfectly coifed hair, outrageously oversized jewelry and too bright red lipstick, she is outspoken and her laugh sounds eerily like a hyena. She laughs and gathers everyone around her wanting to be the center of attention because maybe she is ignored at home. Sitting next to Martha is Charles. The tall, slender man sits back in his chair with the ease of man who is comfortable with himself and the way his life is. He is wearing a set of earphones with a microphone on them and one wonders why on earth what use he would have for such a contraption. Then the question is answered a few minutes later when he places a hand held amplifier to his neck and welcomes the newcomers to the table with a hardy good morning and a beaming smile, sounding very much like an electronic voice from a computer. He obviously has had some tragedy that has caused him to lose the use of his vocal cords and possibly hearing and the entire set up is a way for him to communicate with others. The use of this machine is an everyday occurrence and is second nature to him now. Like he doesn’t even know it is there. One has to wonder how this all came about. Is this a case of perfect strangers coming to start their lives each day in the same place? Perhaps this group of unique and diverse friends starts out with a simple smile, with an apprehensive good morning, like children on a playground for the first day of school trying to decide if it is okay to play with each other. Is it possible in this modern world where most people are concerned with number one that there are still people out there that are truly content with inviting others into their little world? You catch an additional name here and there, Tom, Grace, John and Mike. The smiles from the friends are genuine and the laughter is contagious. Everyone at this table is completely different in every way, yet very much the same. A diverse group with different backgrounds, goals, dreams, that found a common bond floating in a steamy, rich drink. Perhaps this group of friends started out like the two young men at the table next to mine. It is hard not to eavesdrop on the lighthearted and endearing conversation that these two obviously longtime friends are having. The two men were best friends in school and because of circumstances beyond their control, were separated to live their own lives. After spending four years being completely inseparable, the first young man left the country to protect the freedoms of his friend, while the second young man went on to college to earn a degree to protect the rights of the second young man. Relaxed and happy as if it has not been ten years since they have seen each other, only keeping in touch through emails and the occasional phone call. The young men chatter on about their lives and families as easily as a pair of school girls talking about the upcoming dance and what they are going to wear. They shuffle through a stack of pictures of the lives that they shared together and separately. Pointing and laughing at the precious, shared memories of times past, reliving the past as it was only yesterday. When they first entered the cafe, the small amount of tension was obvious as they barely spoke as they ordered their coffees and bagels and then waited to pay. By the time they sat down across from each other they were talking more freely and growing more comfortable with each other’s company. Watching these two men can make someone almost want to relive the past. Maybe go back and do things differently with a life that is half way gone. Looking at other people’s lives is like looking at a picture through a glass of water. We think we know what the real image is, it may look clear as a bell, but if we slow down for just a moment, remove the obstacle of the water and look closely and listen with earnest, we see that the picture we are envisioning in our minds may not be the reality of the lives we are surrounded by in this world. We tend to be so self-absorbed in our own lives, in our little world that leads us to believe that is revolves around us, which causes us to forget to look at the big picture and realize that we are all here together. There is an abundance of diversity and culture that we can see and listen to and learn from, and if we take the time to open ourselves up to others, to share what we feel and want with them and at the same time accept what they have to teach us about our lives, that we can enhance and enrich our lives in so many ways.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Political Systems of Tribes

Political Systems of Tribes The importance of a tribe as a political system and its reluctance to subdue to the state efforts to erase it INTRODUCTION The tribe is an important political system that existed in the world mainly in the area of the Middle East. The Rwala and the Pathans are two examples of existing tribes that play a major role in the area in which they are located, proved by the fact that their tribal system coexist within the states boundary. The two tribes not only do they exit in one country but they maintain their existence within different countries. Due to their geographical location in which the two tribes live, the border zone, each country left them alone with their political system without interference from the central government. The Rwala have good relations within the countries they lived in its borders with the exception of Iraq, while the Pathans were free from state control until recently, when the US invaded Afghanistan and pressured Pakistan to take control of the tribal areas of Pakistan as they harbor Taliban. Why does the tribal political system still exist in the era of the Westphalian state sys tem? And why are the tribes resilient towards the state actions to take control of their area? These are the questions that this research paper is going to investigate. The research paper is divided into three parts. The first one is devoted to giving background information about the two tribes of Pathans and Rwala. The second part explores the reasons behind the strength of the tribes and the last part probes the reasons behind the reluctance of tribes towards the policies of the state to detribalize them. Background Information about the Rawala and the Pathans In order to understand the reasons behind the coexistence of the tribe as a political system with the current political system of the state, a basic definition for the tribe in needed. The tribe is: a notional form of human social organization based on a set of smaller groups having temporary or permanent political integration, and defined by traditions of common descent, language, culture, and ideology.[1] The members of a tribe share many characteristic with each other that make them similar and the most important one is common descent which denotes having relation to the family of the prophet, his companions or his tribe Quraish. For a tribe to legitimize its rule and survive it must trace its geology to the prophet. Any connection to the prophet or his surroundings serves as the basic instrument to justify the rule of the tribe. This can be both true and fictive, for instance many Berber tribes in Northern Africa changed their names from Berber to Arabic to point to their relatio ns to the prophet. While in the Ottomans were using such names as Ali and Hussein to justify their rule of Islamic empire to the extent that in any mosque in Turkey the name Hussein and Ali are engraved which make people to mistake the mosque for a Shiite one, which is not. Without lineage to the prophet, the tribe will lose ground and cannot legitimate its power within its population, therefore honor lies in lineage. The tribe exists because its members insure its existence by following a particular code that serves as the base of order and law. This code might change from one tribe to another but the basic idea is that the code insures that each member of the tribe is abiding by the customs of the tribe; this is done through the participation of individuals in decision-makings that are done through consensus. For instance, the tribal code within the Rwala is very different from the Islamic law to the extent that when a case involves a man and a women the tribal court tend to favor women, while among the Pathans the tribal code Pukhtunwali tend to be influenced by Islamic law to the extent that both the tribal law and Islamic law are two face of one coin. The Rwala are a tribe that is divided into five sections: the Murath, the Doghman, the Ga`adza`a, the Frejje and the Kwatzbe[2] that live in the border zone of four countries: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iraq. While the Pathans are a tribe that live in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, particularly in the border zone between the two countries, both the Pathans that live in Afghanistan and those that live in Pakistan do not recognizes the physical border and regard themselves as one united tribe. For example, whenever their fellow tribes are in trouble they immediately help them as it is shown in the movie, the Pathans Disappearing World, the Pakistani Pathans gathered to help their fellow Pathans in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion, and one of the Pathans justified this act as helping their brother in time of need. This sense of brotherhood is not only present among Pathans but also among the Rwala, this help is a responsibility that each person in tribe is required to fulfill for his family members, this responsibility is not obligatory. For example, a person may refuse to help his uncle and be scot-free; however his reputation is going to be tarnished. The Political Importance of the Tribe The political importance of the tribe lies in the way of life of tribal people which values consensus, solidarity, reputation and revenge. There is no person with utmost authority in the tribe nor is power hereditary. Each tribe has a chief but this chief cannot oblige his tribe to do certain actions without going through consensus, as every person in the tribe has a right to express an opinion over matter that concerns the tribe. This need for consensus among tribal people makes it hard for any state to control the tribe or influence it, because when the tribes perceive its chief as being a government agent or accepting bribes from government his reputation will be unsavory and will the population will elect a new chief; and even when tribes are being outstripped of their heads, they still remain intact. Reputation is in an important aspect of tribal people because chiefs cannot coerce or compel his population; however the only political force available to him is to influence decisi on making. And in order for a chief to influence his population he needs four factors: good information, the ability to give good advice, a reputation for sound counsel and an audience to influence,[3] the sources of reputation for the Rwala come from Lineage, honor, raiding, generosity, bravery, hospitality. Besides, the fact of having a consensus in which every individuals opinion is valued which makes it hard to reach a unified view about any matter, to the extent that the tribe is being under the tyranny of the minority. The consensus involves major issues such as helping those who are at war or a very small matter such as a domestic scuffle between a father and his son. In the movie, the Jirga, the body responsible for making consensus among the Pathans, gather to make his opinion about the father that complained about his son not paying him enough. The result of the consensus was interesting because even though the son did not like the decision, in the end he subdue to the dec ision of the Jirga by kissing the white bribe of his father. The Islamic influence helps to explain the decision made by the Jurga as parents are giving special status in Islamic law. The absence of a central power in the tribal structure makes it hard to control the tribe because no individual has political power, no group has political power and no family has political power; power is restricted to the workings of public opinion. Even public opinion has no formal coercive power; co-operation can be withdrawn and that is all.[4] The tribal population does have loyalties to their tribe but not to the state, because the state is a resented system by the both Pathans and Rwala for one reason: it interferes in their lifestyle and tribal people do not like to be interfered with. Even when the tribal population exerts loyalty to a particular state it does so with the idea of paying tribute to the ruling family and not to the state itself. For instance, the Rwala members who are in the soil of Saudi Arabia pledge their loyalty outside the tribe to the family of Al Saud and not the state of Saudi Arabia.[5] Solidarity is another aspect that explains the strength of the tribe. Each member of the tribe is responsible for his family members and the tribe is responsible for its members. This solidarity does not only involve crucial issues but also mundane and quotidian ones like re-sewing a tents, as it is stated by William Lancaster: resewing a tent is a good example of how co-operation is achievedit would be a formidable task for one or two people, but it is always a co-operative effort.[6] This presence of solidarity does not mean that tribal people do not have problems or that they do not create troubles between themselves, problems and disagreements exist within tribes. However, the ways problems are resolved differ in a way that they are resolved but not to the extent of requiring interference outside the tribe. Because the tribe needs always to show strength and that its members are not divided, as it is pointed by William Lancaster The struggle between the two brothers for the smugg ling franchise was resolved, on the surface at least, by the need to present a united face towards intervention.[7] Revenge is an important characteristic of the tribe; this vindictiveness is allowed when a person from the tribe is killed. Therefore his family members have the duty to take his revenge not necessarily by killing the culprit but by killing any member of the family or the tribe of the culprit. Nobody can stop revenge or prevent the killing from taking place, unless the family of the bereaved accepted a financial retribution for the death of her family member.[8] The revenge process involves a cycle that is hard to stop without blood to the extent that the reason behind the feud might be forgotten. As it is pointed out by William Lancaster: the Mu`abhil have been involved in a single feud for fifteen twenty years. It started with a row over a camel or a sheep, no one can remember A Mu`abhil killed a Sabih. A settlement was arranged and the Mu`abhil paid about forty-five camels in compensation.[9] However, the problem did not completely end because the dead man left a son who was 4-ye ar old at the time of the compensation deal and when he grew up he demanded for his share that the Mu`abhil refused to pay due to the rising prices of camel. Revenge is best understood that none of the tribes members blood is cheap and that killing its population will involve a long fight before being it resolved. The tribes are reluctant to follow the bureaucracy of the state by going to civil courts to get their right as it will take time and probably the ruling will not be something they expected. Therefore, they prefer to take revenge instead. This is another reason which makes the state unattractive to the tribal population. The Reasons behind the Failure of the State in Subduing Tribes One of the reasons behind the reluctance of tribes to be urbanized and fall under the rule of the state lies in its distrust of interference. While the Rwala and Pathan both welcome new ideas they, however, dislike any change exerted by force. According to William Lancaster changed imposed from outside is another matter and they will resist it bitterly, not because its imposition does not allow them to react and partake in accordance with other factors.[10] The same thing goes for the Pathans, the United States of America is influencing Pakistan to get hold of the areas where Pathans live. However, the Pathans are not willing to subdue because they do not like any change to be imposed on them from the outside.[11] The two tribes of Rwala and Pathans both live in very sensitive areas to the extent that countries do not try to impose state rule their areas and allow them have their tribal law, not because both Jordan and Pakistan (before the US-Afghan war) are not able to destroy them but because simply suppressing them is not worth it; it would just bring more troubles than benefits. Furthermore, both tribes have relations with the states they live in. For instance, the Rwala maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia through marriage relations to the family of Al Saud while in Syria they are representatives in the parliament, therefore serving the interest of their tribe. Regarding the Pathans, the current present of Afghanistan Hamid Karazai is Pathan from the Durrani section. The economic autonomy of the tribal people is also one of the reasons that give a state a hard time when dealing with tribes. Especially as the means used by tribes are not illegal. For instance, the livelihood of many Rwala Population lies on smuggling which works well for the tribe as it is situated in a border area. Although this smuggling is much resented by states such as Jordan, it is tolerated for two reasons. First, the state gives certain autonomy as long as they patrol the border. Second, even smuggling can be beneficial to countries such Iraq during the Gulf War where the embargo prevented its population from getting its basic needs such as tires, while Saudi Arabia gets fruits from Styria in return for cars. As it is discussed above revenge is an important aspect that defines a tribe, it is one of the most misunderstood terms about the tribes, because revenge does not necessitate the killing the person who committed the murder. But killing anybody from his family, tribe or country is sufficient to quench the need for revenge. When Americans bomb areas in Waziristan and Swat Valley and kill many people, the Pathans feel the need to take revenge for the killings of their family members by killing any American soldier that they come across, and this revenge cycle is hard to stop as long as any person dead requires a revenge, save in case the family accepts a financial retribution. Other options of detribalizing the tribes lies on either urbanizing them or make them kill each other but then the questions rise of whether it is worth it and who will patrol the border in case of the border zone between Jordan, Syria , Iraq and Saudi Arabia. The British tried to introduce education in the Pathan tribal areas but they failed and so did the Pakistani government which succeeded in just including Pakistani national anthems in schools. However, the Pathans were keen on not letting the central government make them dependent on their education and health system. The Pathans revere the Islamic law which is the cornerstone of Pukhtunwali and want to maintain their autonomy health by basing it on the prophet`s medicine practices through herb and Koran. Conclusion The tribe is a political system that has survived within the epoch of the nation -state. The social equality and the political importance that the tribe gives to its individual make the tribe a powerful entity that proved to be hard for states to erase. Tribal people are proud of their tribe due to their lineage to the prophet and cherish the qualities of solidarity, reputation, hospitality, and honor in addition to revenge. The failure of understanding the tribal traits makes it hard to suppress them let alone communicate with them. For instance, the reason why the Taliban refused to turn in Osama Bin Laden to the US is rooted in the fact that he was a guest, therefore turning him in is a transgression of one of the components of their Pukhtunwali: hospitality. And going further to suppressing them through military actions will just exacerbate matters as the American do not understand how revenge is dealt with, which would make any person with an American military uniform a revenge target. Bibiliography Lancaster, William. The Rwala Bedouin Today(Second Edition). Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press, 1981. Summer, Andrew, Director. The Pathans Disappearing World. Akbar, Ahmed anthropologist, Discovery Channel, 1988. tribe. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 2010. Web. 7 Apr. 2010 .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

James Joyces Dubliners - Adolescent Initiation Portrayed in Araby Essa

Adolescent Initiation Portrayed in Araby  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Araby" tells the story of an adolescent boy's initiation into adulthood. The story is narrated by a mature man reflecting upon his adolescence and the events that forced him to face the disillusioning realities of adulthood. The minor charac ­ters play a pivotal role in this initiation process. The boy observes the hypocrisy of adults in the priest and Mrs. Mercer; and his vain, self-centered uncle introduces him to another disillusioning aspect of adulthood. The boy's infatuation with the girl ultimately ends in disillusion ­ment, and Joyce uses the specific example of the boy's disillusionment with love as a metaphor for disillusionment with life itself. From the beginning, the boy deludes him ­self about his relationship with Mangan's sister. At Araby, he realizes the parallel between his own self-delusion and the hypocrisy and vanity of the adult world. From the beginning, the boy's infatuation with Mangan's sister draws him away from childhood toward adulthood. He breaks his ties with his childhood friends and lux ­uriates in his isolation. He can think of nothing but his love for her: "From the front window I saw my companions playing below in the street. Their cries reached me weak ­ened and indistinct and, leaning my forehead against the cool glass, I looked over at the dark house where she lived." The friends' cries are weak and indistinct because they are distant emotionally as well as spatially. Like an adult on a quest, he imagines he carries his love as if it were a sacred object, a chalice: "Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance†¦. I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes." Even in the active, distracting market... and that he was someone else. His disillusionment with love is then extended to life in general. Seeing the last rays of hope fading from the top floors of Araby, the boy cries: "I saw myself as a crea ­ture driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger." At last he makes the connection—by deluding himself, he has been hypocritical and vain like the adults in his life. Before these realizations he believed that he was driven by something of value (such as purity of love), but now he realizes that his quest has been in vain because honesty, truth, and purity are only childish illusions and he can never return to the innocence of childhood. Works Cited: Joyce, James. â€Å"Araby.† The Norton Introduction to Literature, Shorter Eighth Edition. Eds. Jerome Beaty, Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, and Kelly J. Mays. New York: W.W.Norton. James Joyce's Dubliners - Adolescent Initiation Portrayed in Araby Essa Adolescent Initiation Portrayed in Araby  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Araby" tells the story of an adolescent boy's initiation into adulthood. The story is narrated by a mature man reflecting upon his adolescence and the events that forced him to face the disillusioning realities of adulthood. The minor charac ­ters play a pivotal role in this initiation process. The boy observes the hypocrisy of adults in the priest and Mrs. Mercer; and his vain, self-centered uncle introduces him to another disillusioning aspect of adulthood. The boy's infatuation with the girl ultimately ends in disillusion ­ment, and Joyce uses the specific example of the boy's disillusionment with love as a metaphor for disillusionment with life itself. From the beginning, the boy deludes him ­self about his relationship with Mangan's sister. At Araby, he realizes the parallel between his own self-delusion and the hypocrisy and vanity of the adult world. From the beginning, the boy's infatuation with Mangan's sister draws him away from childhood toward adulthood. He breaks his ties with his childhood friends and lux ­uriates in his isolation. He can think of nothing but his love for her: "From the front window I saw my companions playing below in the street. Their cries reached me weak ­ened and indistinct and, leaning my forehead against the cool glass, I looked over at the dark house where she lived." The friends' cries are weak and indistinct because they are distant emotionally as well as spatially. Like an adult on a quest, he imagines he carries his love as if it were a sacred object, a chalice: "Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance†¦. I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes." Even in the active, distracting market... and that he was someone else. His disillusionment with love is then extended to life in general. Seeing the last rays of hope fading from the top floors of Araby, the boy cries: "I saw myself as a crea ­ture driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger." At last he makes the connection—by deluding himself, he has been hypocritical and vain like the adults in his life. Before these realizations he believed that he was driven by something of value (such as purity of love), but now he realizes that his quest has been in vain because honesty, truth, and purity are only childish illusions and he can never return to the innocence of childhood. Works Cited: Joyce, James. â€Å"Araby.† The Norton Introduction to Literature, Shorter Eighth Edition. Eds. Jerome Beaty, Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, and Kelly J. Mays. New York: W.W.Norton.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

racism and prejudice Essay -- essays research papers

Racism and prejudice has been present in almost every civilization and society throughout history. Even though the world has progressed greatly in the last couple of decades, both socially and technologically, racism, hatred and prejudice still exists today, deeply embedded in old-fashioned, narrow-minded traditions and values. Racism is a case of ‘misplaced hate’ and ignorance, being not only discriminatory, but also seemingly foolish with disregard of all human commonsense. Why does racism still exist in today’s world? If it still occurs, has the world really progressed at all? Through extensive research methods and wide reading, it can be proven that racism is still present in the modern world. Racism is based on the belief that one’s culture is superior to that of others, and this racial superiority provides justification for discrimination. Racism begins with categorising by race, and therefore stereotyping particular cultures. A simple definition of prejudice given by St Thomas Aquinas states prejudice as â€Å"thinking ill of others without sufficient cause† (1. pg 21). Racism is a major issue in today’s society, affecting a large number of the world’s population and causing political and social turmoil. To evaluate the true meaning, effects and views concerning racism in today’s world, a number of literature sources were researched including novel, films, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, textbooks and magazine articles. â€Å"Black Like Me† written by John Howard Griffin is an excellently written novel, based on factual events experienced by the author himself. It is based in the 1950s, a time when racism was widespread throughout America. The basic outline of the story is the following of one man (Griffin) as he embarks on a journey that takes him to the ‘other side’. Griffin is a middle-aged white man, and decides to personally experience the life of a Negro. He achieves this by literally changing the pigmentation in his skin so that he is no longer white. Griffin moves to the deep southern states of America where he is subject to harsh racist treatment by the whites. By doing so, he experiences first hand the reality of racism and prejudice, almost to the point of disbelief. The story focuses on the lives of Negroes: restricted, brutal and harsh. â€Å"My skin was dark. That was sufficient reason for them to deny me those rights and freedoms without whi... ...wn comes under siege as racism rages within the community. The Klu Klux Klan is also featured in the film, a group that symbolizes hate. The eerie looking hoods in the film are a reminder of America’s dark past, and of current racist groups still present in society. Many of the characters in the film are stuck in old values and teachings, misplacing their hate towards the coloured. The film â€Å"Mississippi Burning† supports the hypothesis as it deals with society still living in the past and acting narrow-mindedly towards its fellow human beings. Within all of the texts mentioned, the theme of racism is present, just like in most of today’s societies. All of the researched sources deal with the effects of racism, the foolishness of it and the fact that it still exists in today’s modern and so-called advanced world. No matter how much social attitudes evolve, prejudice, hatred and racism will still exist within aspects of society, whether it be in the heart, in the mind or in the souls of those too ignorant to realize the damaging consequences. While technologically today’s world has advanced, if society cannot overcome issues such as racism and prejudice, it has not evolved at all.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Problem with Internet Addiction :: Internet Online Communication Essays

The Problem with Internet Addiction The Internet is a social technology, but the effect it has on face to face relationships can potentially be very detrimental. Like any activity, the Internet takes up a person’s time; the amount of time varies depending on the person’s level of addiction. Often this time usage could be spent bettering face to face relationships. It is not uncommon for an Internet user to begin to replace their face to face relationships with those formed on the Internet. By doing this they often negatively affect their lives. The HomeNet Project, a study on the psychological effects done through Carnegie Mellon University, shows that Internet usage often leads to a decline in social groups (Kraut, Lundmark, Patterson, Kiesler, Mukopadhyay, Scherlis). â€Å"Long hours spent on-line undercut our local social support network; this isolation promotes psychological trouble† (Stoll). The family is another group that is affected by the Internet. The HomeNet Project also shows that usage is related to declines in family interaction (Kraut). In a society that often tries to push our politicians to focus on family values and expects our phone commercials to incorporate relationships with friends, the Internet may be the opposition. If people are looking to improve their relational bonds with those close to them, they should consider stepping away from the computer screen and spending time with their friends and family. Many reasons exist as to why the Internet negatively affects face to face relationships. The wasting of time is one; the loss of social skills is another. Social skills are learned through experience and reactions to body language (Stoll). The internet can not provide either of these. Trust is often partly derived from a person’s vulnerability. Without being physically near a person, physical vulnerability is lost and thus so is a great deal of trust (Dreyfus). The computer screen can sometimes act as a shield against the physical vulnerability (Dreyfus). In that way the computer can become a safe haven to those seeking relationships without the hardships of face to face contact. A marriage guidance organization out of Britain called Relate has found that the Internet may be causing marriage problems and even break- ups (Frean). â€Å"Husbands and wives complain of becoming Internet widowers or widows after being left to sit alone as a partner spends hours at the computer messaging strangers in chat rooms, downloading music and games, or looking at pornography† (Frean).

Nvq 5 Equality and Diversity Essay

Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit 503 1.) Understand Diversity, Equality and Inclusions in own area of Responsibility 1.1) Explain Models of practises that underpin equality, and diversity and inclusions in own area of responsibility. see more:models of practice that underpin equality diversity and inclusion The social model of disability which views discrimination and prejudice as being embedded in today’s society, their attitudes and their surrounding environment. Society often focuses on what a person lacks in terms of disability and focuses on condition or illness or a person’s lack of ability. Medical model of disability which views adults has having an impairment or lacking in some way Person centred – views the person as individual and unique and places the person at the centre of there care whether this be physical, psychological, social, spiritual. Qualities, abilities, interests, preferences and needs. Offering the personal whole involvement in there care and input to completing there support plan and how they like to receive this, where they want to live and who with. As a manager I am responsible for ensuring that the ethos within the home promotes equality and diversity through training, policy and procedures, support plans and health files. In line with the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act 2005. Equality Act 2010, Human Rights Act 1998 And enable staff to have the confidence to challenge discrimination. Ensure that all care and support is personalised – individual having control of own personal budgets. There is partnership. Support is delivered in partnership with individuals from communities. Voluntary and private sectors the NHS and housing. Protection. Safeguarding against the risk of abuse or neglect 1.2) Analyse the potential effects of barriers to equality and inclusions in own area of responsibility Lack of finance Independence Language Attitude Isolation/Segregation Lack of Access Fear/Ignorance BARRIERS Social Myths Offensive Images of Disabled People. Lack of education Adapted housing Lack of employment Over protective families Labelling Prejudice Lack of anti Discrimination Legislation 1.3) Analyse the impact of legislation and policy initiatives on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility As a manager the impact of legislation on any service can only mean good things in promoting good quality care ensuring that all staff, families, friends and professionals are working together and putting the service user at the heart of service provision, eg providing active support, promoting individuals’ rights, choices and wellbeing, anti-discriminatory practice, empowering service users; dealing with tensions and contradictions; staff development and training; practical implications of confidentiality, eg recording, reporting, storing and sharing of information. Active promotion  of anti-discriminatory practice: ethical principles; putting the service user at the heart of service provision, eg providing active support consistent with the beliefs, culture and preferences * supporting individuals to express their needs and preferences, empowering individuals, promoting individuals’ rights, choices and wellbeing; balancing individual rights with the Rights of others ; * dealing with conflicts; identifying and challenging discrimination Personal beliefs and value systems: influences on, eg culture, beliefs, past events, socialisation, * environmental influences, health and wellbeing; developing greater self-awareness and tolerance of differences; committing to the care value base; careful use of language; working within legal, ethical and policy guidelines 2) Be Able to Champion Diversity, Equality and inclusion 2.1) Promote equality, Diversity and inclusion in policy and practise. PCP- Support plans- This is to ensure all care is given as the service user would like to be supported and how they would like to be supported, when they would like to be supported, where they would like to receive support, by whom they would like to support them and there chosen way of support Regular Supervisions every 6-8 weeks- this is to monitor each staff member individually and monitor there practises and ensure that policy and procedures are being followed at all times and challenge this when staff are not following job description and guidelines and policies. Yearly Appraisals- This is to monitor yearly progress of each support worker and offer a planned goal set for the following year to promote a persons abilities and training needs also to support progression in there role. Staff Training and yearly updates- Staff training is very important in providing staff with the tools to complete there roles in line with the care standards and the safety of all staff and service users. And ensure that the staff demonstrate this in there role and performance which is monitored  through supervision and appraisals Regular updating of policy and procedures- it is important that all policies are monitored and regularly review of the contents to reflect the care standards, Health and safety, the Law and updates are made to reflect any changes in the standards and Law All staff to read and sign all policy and procedures yearly – Its important that staff read and sign the policy and procedures as this outlines there responsibility in health and social care to follow the standards set out and that there actions are lawful and in line with the health and social care act. They must be made aware of any changes and updates and they must demonstrate that they can follow the policies in there role they must read and sign every year to keep updated Weekly service users meetings- staff are encouraged to support all service users to plan and be involved in weekly service users meeting the meeting must be set out with clear goals all service uses must be given the opt unity to have input in the meeting and express themselves in a form of communication that they are familiar with and all meetings must be documented and must reflect on any completed actions from the last meeting .the meeting must contain sections on organisational changes, Home changes, changes to the staff team, health and safety, menu planning , activities planning, Personal section for service users to raise anything they would like to raise that is specific to them, any other business, and a good news section, service users forum Quarterly staff meetings –staff are informed of any o rganisational information, Health and safety, changes to policy and procedures or cqc information, service users information, staff forum feedback, any other business. Good news section Regular managers meetings-to keep the manager updated on organisational information,CQC information, look at paper work or new paper work to be implemented , staffing, HR, Training, Finance, Purchasing and supplying each meeting will include all manger from each home and area managers, operations manager, managing director, maintenance manager, finance manager, training manager, and HR manager, Regular senior meetings – this is to maintain consistency between each shift and ensure information is being passed between shifts and that both shifts are receiving the same information this can be organisational, changes to care, input or changes from professionals changes in support plans. Structures changes ensuring that all QA is being maintained ensuring that the cleanliness of the home is maintained and is kept safe. 2.2) Challenge discrimination and exclusion in policy and practise. Support plans- ensuring that all support pan reflect a person desires and wishes and are regularly monitored and challenge staff when record are not kept appropriately or followed correctly in line with the service users wishes and that there are no bad practises reflected in the care being given ensure that all support plan are written to reflect the persons dignity and that there wishes are respected at all times. Training- All staff complete training around discrimination and the effect this has on them as a staff member and how this is to be reflected in the care they will be providing to service users and give them the information to be able to challenge when practises are not followed or they suspect discrimination or abuse may be taking place. Staff must then demonstrate there knowledge in there working practise which is monitored in the home and the training is updated yearly and this will also work alongside our organisational policy and procedures. Supervisions-all staff receives supervisions every 6-8 weeks or weekly and monthly if the need arises this is to monitor performance and challenge any bad practise and helping to work on resolving any concerns in performance this allows the manager to support the staff to set up a training programme and look at expanding on there knowledge also look at working towards progression in there role. Concerns and complaints policy- all staff are trained on concerns and complaints and will read and sign the complaints policy we also follow our policy by providing a complaints and concerns file and guidelines to follow when making a complaint or raising a concern or supporting some with a compliment or a complaint if they so wish to make one this is without prejudice and is maintained with full co-operation and will be fully investigated and the person will be fully notified of any outcomes. Team meetings-reminding staff in staff meetings about policy and practises and informing the team of any changes to practises reminding staff about the complements and complaints file reinforcing the importance of the policy and the whistle blowing policy and what as a manager I espect from each team member in there role to providing support from discrimination or conflict. Reminding the team about our no tolerance to discrimination and  that all service users, staff, visitor must be supported in a professional manner in line with the policy and procedure and that this is monitored by managers and shift leaders and any concerns or complaint in this area will be taken very seriously and will be dealt with following the policy which could lead to disciplinary action being taken against staff member if it is found that they are found to be involved. Appraisals- This is to monitor yearly progress of each support worker and offer a planned goal set for the following year to promote a pe rsons abilities and training needs also to support progression in there role. the appraisal looks at the progression over the year looking at training and performance and encourage support on areas of weakness. 2.3) providing others with information about * The effects of Discrimination * The impact of inclusion * The Value of Diversity Staff meetings Valuing People white paper Department of health Shift meetingsCare standards frame work Human rights act Job DescriptionEquality Act Policy and procedures Service users weekly house meetings CQCstaff forum Meetings Internet Managers meetings GSCCservice users forum Training local authority 2.4) promote others to challenge discrimination and exclusion Ensuring through recruitment that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of someone race, ethnic origin, religion, nationality, disability, gender, sexuality or responsibility of dependence this is reflected through the organisation through vigorous recruitment and selection procedures training in policy’s, supervision and appraisal processes Ensuring good levels of abilities and strengths and dynamiques in staff teams while Promoting diversity amongst the team. Good clear staff job descriptions and working guidelines Regular staff meeting and senior meeting to challenge areas of concerns and offer support and encouragement to other senior staff. Quality assurance. The impact and ongoing reviews of all policy and procedure are monitored on a regular basis by our quality assurance manager who completes 6 monthly audits on all the homes with in the organisation to ensure that all areas of the standards are being met and are regularly reviewed and clear evidence and record are shown. as a quality assurance manager they are responsible to ensure that the company is regularly updating on the latest information from the government and local authorities etc as a manager it is my responsibility to ensure they are implemented in to the home to maintain high levels of health and safety and good practises and high levels of care are received in line with the care standards. Legislation and key points| Policy and Procedures| Example of how policy and procedures are implemented in practise| Example of How Compliance is monitored in the work place| CARE STANDARDS CARE ACT 1990| * Medications policy * Fire * Environmental health * Confidentiality * Health and safety * Finances * Food hygiene’s * Compliments and complaints * Infection control * Staff conduct * Pcp * Cosh * Abuse * Of vulnerable adults * Human rights policy * Bullying and harassment | * Compliment and complaints file abuse policy and risk assessment * Better food better business staff training * service user care plan * staff supervisions * medication policy * service user meetings * staff meetings * service users guide | * Monthly training updates * Monthly health and safety audits * Monthly quality assurance monitoring * Service users meeting and menu planning * Supervisions recording of daily menu in care plan * Daily completion of better food better business file * Team meetings * Regulation meetings *  Monthly service users audits * Monthly care plan audits * Monthly risk assessment audits * Monthly standardisation meetings * Monthly supervisions * Weekly medication audits * Weekly finance audits * Yearly service user health checks * Yearly service user reviews * Six monthly checks on hoisting facilities * Fire evacuations * Weekly vehicle checks | HEATH AND SOCIAL CARE ACT 2008| * Medications policy * Fire * Environmental health * Confidentiality * Health and safety * Finances * Food hygiene’s * Compliments and complaints * Infection control * Staff conduct * Pcp * Cosh * Abuse * Of vulnerable adults * Human rights policy * Bullying and harassment| * Compliment and complaints file abuse policy and risk assessment * Better food better business staff training * service user care plan * staff supervisions * medication policy * service user meetings staff meetings service users guide | * Monthly training updates * Monthly health and safety audits * Monthly quality assurance monitoring * Service users meeting and menu planning * Supervisions recording of daily menu in care plan * Daily completion of better food better business file * Team meetings * Regulation 18 meetings * Monthly service users audits * Monthly care plan audits * Monthly risk assessment audits * Monthly standardisation meetings * Monthly supervisions * Weekly medication audits * Weekly finance audits * Yearly service user health checks * Yearly service user reviews * Six monthly checks on hoisting facilities * Fire evacuations * Weekly vehicle checks medication signing in and out of control medication * Monthly monit oring of risk | INDERPENDENCE WELL BEING AND CHOICE 2005| * Care standards act * Valuing people * Advocacy * Health and safety * Finances * Abuse * Human rights| * Advocacy * Pcp care plan * Individualised finance plans * Activity time table * Service users meetings * Transition reports * Risk assessments * Involved in recruitment and selection * Personalised bedrooms * Choice of GP * Yearly medical reviews| * Yearly care reviews * Weekly finance audits * Monthly risk assessment and care plan reviews * service users questionnaires * Yearly medical reviews * Service users meetings * Health and safety audits * Monthly quality assurance audits * Monthly service user reports * Staff training | CODES OF CONDUCT| * Codes  of conduct * Human rights * Record keeping * No secrets policy * health and safety * coshh * Drug and alcohol policy * discrimination * Confidentiality * Bullying and harassments * Recruitment and selection * Disciplinary * equal opportunity * Abuse * finances| * Codes of conduct * Policy and procedures * Staff training * Supe rvisions * Induction * CRB * Staff references * Compliments and complaints * Statements of purpose * Risk assessments * Care plans * Team meetings * Red crier| * Monthly supervisions of all staff * Staff 12 week induction * Recruitment and selection * CRB * Yearly policy revise * Monthly staff file monitoring * Health and safety audit * Monthly quality assurance audits * Monthly training * Red crier training| DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY SAFEGUARDS| * Deprivation of liberty * Human rights * Abuse of a vulnerable adult * Health and safety * Whistle blowing policy * Confidentiality policy * Discrimination | * Service users meetings * Choices of gender support * Pcp care plan * Mca assessments * Abuse risk assessments * Activity timetable foe each service user * Service users questionnaires * Advocacy * Policy and procedure * Staff training in deprivation of liberty and abuse of vulnerable adults * Incident accident reports * | * Monthly audits on accident incident reports * Monthly training and yearly updates for staff * Monthly reviews of all care plans and risk assessment * Policy and procedure revisited yearly * Monthly service users reports * Monthly health and safety audits * Advocacy * Yearly service user care reviews * Yearly health checks | SUPPORTING PEOPLE | * Advocacy * Pcp * Human rights * Deprivation of liberty * Compliments and complaints| * Pcp care plan * Weekly service user meetings * Advocate * Compliment and complaints file * | * Staff training in deprivation of liberty, human rights, pcp, complaints, safeguarding, * Monthly audits on abuse policy and service user risk assessments * Monthly care plan audits * Monthly meeting with advocates * Yearly service users reviews| VALUING PEOPLE | * Discrimination * Equality and diversity * Equal opportunities * Abuse of a vulnerable adult * Bullying and harassment * Human rights * Advocacy * Deprivation of liberty| * Pcp care plan * Advocacy * Risk assessments and care plans around family and friends * Communication care plan * Pcp finance  file * Key working meetings * Key working file and goals| * Advocacy meetings * Monthly reviews of care plan and risk assessments * Staff training * Health and safety audits * Family contact * Service users meetings * Service users and family and friends questionnaires * Monthly key working meetings | 3.) Understand how to develop systems and processes that promote diversity, equality and inclusion 3.1) Analyse how systems and processes can promote quality and inclusion or reinforce discrimination and exclusion * Using relevant legislation; ant discriminatory practice to combat Racism, -Help to provide and implement policy and procedure by following legislation provided by government and cqc * Ageism-as an organisation we can monitor this by providing a policy and awaness amongst the staff team and ensure our own practises reflect this by ensuring a robust recruitment process that promotes the policys * Sexism-the organisation will combat this by providing a robust policy and reflect this in our practises and processes with regular monitoring and providing good systems to challenge sexism with in the company. * In-house policies-all in house policies will be written and implemented with a no tolerance to discrimination with in the organisation with clear procedure to combat any discrimination that may be suffered by a vigorous complaint and whistle blowing procedure , all staff will work and follow all guidelines set out, training will provided with yearly updates * Codes of practice- support organisations to provide clear working guidelines for staff to prevent discrimination and providing quality care while ensuring that all staff and service users are supported in a diverse environment and are respected and provided with full support in an environment that is of benefit to there support and needs and promotes there wishes and desires without discrimination and all information and care is supplied in a confidential manner in line with the data protection act. * Audit of practice-As the manager I am responsible to ensure that all care is monitored and the quality of care and service provided is to a high standard in line with care standards. and this is monitored regularly by revaluating policy and procedure updating information in line with care standards 6 monthly visits from quality assurance manager who will look through everything and evaluate against cqc requirements to ensure we are covering all areas. If we comply then we are given a percentage if we are not fully compliant we are given dates to ensure that this is completed then revisited by QA manager. * Staff appraisals- This is to monitor yearly progress of each support worker and offer a planned goal set for the following year to promote a persons abilities and training needs also to support progression in there role. the appraisal looks at the progression over the year looking at training and performance and encourage support on areas of weakness. * Client/family questionnaire actions from questionnaire results – yearly questionnaires are sent out to families to monitor the quality of the care provided .service users also are supported to complete this questionnaire also a questionnaire about the menu and choices available ect once the questionnaires are gather as the manager I will look at any areas that require actions or areas that may be of concerns and look at rectifying this staff are also given a questionnaire to look at what support is provided and how we can make changes to provide better support to staff. * Sharing good practice and partnership working- communicating clearly with other managers and homes and sharing ideas. proving support to outside agencies providing information working tom consistent plans when supporting service users this can be done during managers meeting, QA visits etc professional meetings friends an family visits. 3.2) evaluate the effectiveness of systems and processes in promoting equality and diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility. * Specific improvements to individual Service Users/staff –monitoring through team meeting and supervisions, reviews * Health- this can be monitored through regular heath checks and monthly service users reports staff meetings and supervisions, service users meeting and key working meetings. care plan reviewing * Self esteem-evaluating changes to service users moods and input in to involvement and challenge this look at this with gp as could be medical set some goals have a review meeting with care manager and possible advocacy maybe an agreement to how the service users is involved and participates. * Self-concept-this can be monitor through questionnaires and family questionnaires , family communication, service users meeting, key working meeting * Staff happiness and productivity- this is monitored through evaluating paper work and structure with in the home. Supervision, appraisals questionnaires , sickness levels and staff moral * Timescales-are monitored through regular meetings and supervision to monitor progress * Effective communication of others- checking that the system in place are being used correctly and that staff are following guidelines set out reviewing this through team meetings and supervision monitoring performance of individuals etc * Evaluations and use of for reforms in processes and systems- regular monitoring and evaluating team meeting getting staff on board with system monitoring to ensure that they are working and that staff are finding them useful tools or reviewing the way they are used 3.3) Propose improvement to address gaps or shortfalls in systems and processes. As a manager I am responsible for monitoring and making changes in areas that require changes in the care we are supporting, I do this by evaluating weekly monthly and arranging meetings encourage staff involvement ensuring any shortfall mare addressed to a timescale and making sure that the team are involved to make it productive * Plans * Team meeting * Roles and responsibilities * Timescales * Audit policy reform * Allocation of resources 4.) Be able to manage the risks presented when balancing individuals rights and professional duty of care. 4.1) Describe ethical dilemmas that may arise in own area of responsibility when balancing individual rights and duty of care. As the manager I have the responsibility and duty of care to ensure the service users are receiving good quality care in line with the care standards while promoting independence and PCP, I am also responsible for positively representing Dolphin homes and I do this by ensuring that all staff , visitors and service users are fully supported in a positive manner in line with care standards and staff are provided with guidelines and policy and procedures that maintains there safety and the safety of the service users and home while promoting individuality, friendly supportive environment and offer guidance freedom of speech and offer support to staff to grow in there role and promote progression . Providing and supporting staff with training ensure all staff receive 6-8 weekly supervisions and yearly appraisals often there are areas of conflict but as a manager I have to manage this in a professional manner that is non detrimental to the service users and staff where possible. Below are areas where this can happen and the impotence of following policy and procedure available and regular monitoring? * Confidentiality versus disclosure * Protection issues relating to individuals and to communities * Sharing data between professionals * Conflicts between principles of good practice and the values of others this can be very apparent where families are heavily involved in there child’s care * Rights and responsibilities of users of the service versus care workers and others * Challenging behaviour * Conflict * Facilitator * Advocate * Advisor * Counsellor * Mentor * Personal values and beliefs; * Legal responsibilities 4.2) explained the principles of informed choice. Is that everyone has the opportunity to make choices that will effect them as a manager it is very important that all service users are given this opportunity to do this in a form of communication that they understand. And judgment should not be considered informed choices must be proven to be provided where possible and be non conflicting from other individual unless proven to be in the best interest of the service users however evidence should support this. Below is a list of people who may be involved in making choices and what is considered when making choices and how the choices will be implemented . * Professional * Family * Individual * The elderly * Enabling environment * Supporting others to make informed choices about the services they receive making an informed choice * Implementing an informed choice * Decision making for both short term and long term * Culture * Values * Views * Unbiased information * Evidence-based information * Options 4.3) Explain how issues of individuals capacity may affect informed choice. Below is a list of concerns that may contribute to the capacity of an individual around making informed choices and how this would be considered. This is done in the best interest of the person and is without prejudice. * Physical health * Mental health * The law * Social class * Culture * Religion * Age * Ability * Gender * Location * Family support * Carer support * Social mobility * Communication and interpersonal skills * Education * Financial situation * Criminal background * Social Background 4.4) propose a strategy to manage risks when balancing individual’s rights and duty of care in own area of responsibility As the manager it is my responsibility to ensure that in the interest of the service users choices are considered in the interest of the individual and that this process in only followed once the following have been assessed first, this provides evidence that the person has been fully supported in all areas by the home before decision are made * Risk assessment * Appropriate procedures * Action plans * Team meetings * Monitoring and review; * Relevant legislation; * Roles and responsibilities; * Partnership working to include family and friends * Staff job description * Quarterly questionnaires * Compliments and complaints * Staff forum meetings * Monthly service users meetings * Training * Policy and procedures * Supervision * Appraisals * Service user’s reviews * PCP Meetings * Health Review * Advocacy